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What does the red X in the Test-Fit's progress bar mean?
What does the red X in the Test-Fit's progress bar mean?

Understanding the Test-Fit's progress bar's red X indication.

Updated over a week ago

When navigating the Test-Fit wizard's steps, an informative progress bar is displayed on the left side of the interface. If you encounter a step encircled by a red X within the progress bar, this indicates that one of the mandatory requirements within that step is incomplete.

In cases where you lack the necessary information to proceed, you have two options:

  1. You can tap the save Draft button and return to complete it once you have the required details.

  2. If you have advanced to one of the following steps and notice the red X, tap the Previous button at the bottom left of your screen or tap the red X in the progress bar. Doing so will seamlessly return you to the preceding step.

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