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Test-Fit Wizard
Step 1 - Building Info
Step 1 - Building Info

The building info is the first step in creating your floor plan. All details apply to the report cover, 3D Tour, and the following steps.

Updated over a week ago

After choosing the desired Program Type and clicking the Next button, qbiq will launch the 5-step floor planning wizard beginning with the Building Details.

In this first step, you should provide the building's information for your Test-Fit project, the Report cover, and the 3D Tour:

Building Name:

The Building Name is a mandatory field. You can enter the name of the building or any suitable title for the project. The chosen name will serve as the project's identifier in My Test-Fits. It will also feature on the Report's cover and in the 3D Tour.

Full Address:

This is a customary field as it plays a vital role in shaping the project's Report cover and the immersive 3D Tour video. The Address is prominently showcased on the 2D floor plan Report cover. Additionally, qbiq integrates the building's surrounding visuals based on the location to enhance the overall 3D Tour experience.


This field refers to the floor plan’s measurement system. Choose Imperial in Square Feet (sqft) or Metric in Square Meters (sqm), according to the local industry’s standard method and tailored to your customer's preferences. The selected unit applies throughout the Test-Fits planning process.

Building Image:

Uploading the building's image is optional. However, it significantly enhances the visual appeal of your project's cover.

Client Logo:

Uploading your client's logo is not customary. Yet, it can significantly elevate the design of your Report cover and 3D Tour. It serves as a visual reinforcement, underscoring that this project is uniquely tailored for the designated client.

The progress bar on the left side of the screen will display the current step and indicate whether you have completed all the mandatory fields.

Once you complete the Building Details step, tap Next to proceed to the second step–Floor Info. If needed, opt to Save Draft, allowing you to pause and resume the process later. The project will be saved in the My Test-Fits section on your qbiq Plan's home screen.

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