
The Summary is displayed when you click on a completed or processing project's image in My Test-Fits.

Updated over a week ago

When you click on a project’s image that is either in a processing status or a completed one, the corresponding Test-Fit summary will open. This summary will be identical to the one displayed in the final step. The only difference is that the Requests for Planning text box will be non-editable.

On the left side of your screen, there is a menu bar allowing you to choose the Edit option, which reveals two alternatives:

Project Details - enables you to rename the project, update the address, or upload a new building image. Remember to tap the Save button if you make any of these changes.

Redline - enables you to request changes to a completed project. The feature is not applicable if a Test-Fit is in the processing status.

Downloads - This feature enables you to download your completed project's files. However, this feature will not be available until the process is complete.

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